Signs and Symptoms of a Disease

Concept Explanation

Signs and Symptoms of a Disease

When we suffer from a disease, we feel unwell because some part of the body is not working normally. This is an indication of a disease and is called a symptom. A symptom is a change in normal functioning of the body which is felt by a patient, but which cannot be observed by the doctor.

For example, stomach ache, sore throat and nausea are symptoms. A patient has to tell the doctor about these because the doctor cannot see or feel them. Symptoms only indicate that a patient is suffering from a disease, but they do not indicate what disease.

For example, a patient complaining of body ache could be suffering from any one of a number of diseases like influenza or malaria. Apart from what he hears from a patient, a doctor looks for signs of a disease.

A sign of a disease is a change in the bodily function or structure that can be observed. Rashes, swelling of glands, change in colour of the skin, etc., are signs which give doctors a good idea about a disease.

For example, a sticky red eye indicates a common eye infection called conjunctivitis. Yellow skin and eyes can be due to a disease called hepatitis. Signs and symptoms help in the diagnosis of a disease.

Diagnosis means the process of identifying a disease. Apart from signs and symptoms, a doctor may measure the temperature, blood pressure and weight of the patient to diagnose a disease. In many cases, the doctor also needs the help of laboratory tests of blood, urine, stool, etc., and diagnostic images like X-rays to diagnose a disease.

Prognosis:  Prognosis is the predicted outcome or forecast of a disease or process.It is an objective measurement but a subjective comment based on previous cases.Good prognosis means that the patient  is very likely to recover, and the threat to life is less, and the threat to life is less.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

A sticky red eye indicates the symptoms of which disease ?

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

A person develops rosy cheeks if he goes from plain to hills. This occurrence is due to ________________

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Lockjaw is an acute symptom in which the patient cannot open his jaw due to extreme stiffness of the neck muscles. The disease is caused by ________________

Right Option : B
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